3 Stained Glass Supplies Every Beginner Should Have

Glass Class3 Stained Glass Supplies Every Beginner Should Have

If you are new to stained glass art, the process can be intimidating. But with the right tools and supplies, you can learn to make beautiful pieces that will add color and beauty to your home.


When you’re just starting out with stained glass, having the right tools can make all the difference. Having a ruler is one of the most important supplies you’ll need to have when you’re creating your first stained glass piece! Rulers are used for many different purposes. They are used for measuring objects, drawing geometric shapes, and much more! They can also be useful when working with copper foil or other materials that are prone to splintering. They can also be helpful when tracing patterns onto glass and they can even help you to keep track of your measurements! Whenever you’re using a ruler, always use the correct side for the task at hand. You don’t want to accidentally mix up centimeters and inches or you won’t be able to correctly measure your projects! In addition to the usual inches, some rulers also denote half, quarter, and eighth inches. If you are measuring something that is small, it’s important to get a ruler that has those markings so you can be sure you’re getting the correct measurement.


Scissors are one of the most essential tools for a stained glass beginner to have. They are used to cut out your patterns and can also be handy for cleaning up any shards of glass that you accidentally drop on your work surface. The best kind of scissors for a beginner are the type that are made specifically to cut stained glass. These scissors are a bit thicker than regular scissors and the blades have a nice grip. They also have a nice cushion on top of the handle that helps to reduce stress and strain on your wrist. They are also great for cutting out stained glass patterns and are a lot easier to use than the foil shears we mentioned earlier!

Glass Sheets

You can create beautiful stained glass pieces with simple, inexpensive sheets of glass. Depending on your budget, you can purchase sheets of different sizes and thicknesses, and you may even find a sheet of glass that is perfect for an art project. The most popular type of glass is opaque (transparent) glass. These sheets can be colored or textured and come in a variety of hues. These types of glass are also ideal for mosaics because they are easy to cut and make an interesting background for a piece of artwork.